September 30, 2016 NYN BUZZ Lead Item for the Day! Anti-recidivism organization Getting Out and Staying Out elects Goldman Sachs VP Reginald Andre as new

September 30, 2016 NYN BUZZ Lead Item for the Day! Anti-recidivism organization Getting Out and Staying Out elects Goldman Sachs VP Reginald Andre as new
Top NYC Anti-Recidivism Organization Getting Out and Staying Out (GOSO) Elects Goldman Sachs VP Reginald Andre as New Board Chair Andre recruited over 50 Goldman
Harlem Antiviolence Organization Launches New Initiative Mika Basson / September 29, 2016 Harlem’s antiviolence organization, Getting Out and Staying Out, officially launched the Stand
Yesterday, GOSO was joined by City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito and the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice in launching new anti-gun violence initiative Stand Against
Anti-Violence Advocate Chris Foye to Run Program; Speaker applauds GOSO’s “matchless work in helping to improve the safety of the East Harlem neighborhood” New York,
On September 26, 2016, join City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, Eric Cumberbatch of the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice and GOSO for the community launch
The weekly meeting for BROSO (Brothers Staying Out) is using our new multimedia center to enhance discussions. Most recently, Geoffrey Golia (Senior Career Manager and
At our regular Interview Skills Workshops, our guys team up with volunteers from a variety of professions — law, finance, operations, etc. — to practice,
All summer long, GOSO Guys have been tallying points. From interview skills workshop to complete booking report and more — the more productive our guys