Op-Ed | From ‘The Box’ to the block: for formerly-incarcerated men, housing is key to a stable future by Dr. Jocelynne Rainey, President & CEO,

Op-Ed | From ‘The Box’ to the block: for formerly-incarcerated men, housing is key to a stable future by Dr. Jocelynne Rainey, President & CEO,
The violent insurrection that struck at the heart of our democracy today was a culmination of harmful, racist rhetoric and actions that have been tolerated for too long and evidence of a justice system that denies true justice.
We are thrilled to announce GOSO President & CEO, Dr. Jocelynne Rainey, has joined the elite roster of Crain’s 2021 New York’s Notable Black Leaders
Our monthly GOSO Justice Transformer series continues, which will recognize individuals from our community who are working to create a more equitable and vibrant world.
Black History is more than just a month and we all must work towards change every day — A February Message from Dr. Jocelynne