Staying Home, Staying Well: #WellnessWednesday Journaling with Julia

Happy #WellnessWednesday! We hope you’ve been enjoying our #StayingHomeStayingWell with GOSO series on our IGTV channel (follow us @gosonyc!). In case you missed it, every Wednesday, someone from our community shares information and resources related to wellness and self-care.

This week, GOSO Senior Director of Programs and LCSW, Julia Friedman, is discussing the practice of journaling.

Writing down our thoughts, experiences, and feelings in a journal can be hugely helpful and rewarding. Keeping a journal is an excellent form of therapy or self-care. Head over to GOSO’s Instagram page to watch Julia’s video where she shares tips to help you get started and easily incorporate journaling into your daily or weekly routine. WATCH the video here.

After you watch the video, get comfortable, grab your notebook and get ready to write! Below are a few prompts that will help get your thoughts flowing:

  1. My mind is feeling flooded with thoughts…
    • Write them all down. Acknowledge the realization that our thoughts are *not* our reality; we are in control.
  2. I’m feeling stuck in a negative thought pattern, such as “COVID-19 will never end.”
    • Journal to look ahead! What are some of the things you’ll do, people you’ll see, places you might go once it is safe for broader interaction and travel?
  3. I’m grieving.
    • Whether it’s a loved one who is no longer in our life or even not being able to mark a special event (such as a birthday or other milestone), it’s perfectly normal to feel grief. Try to recall happy memories associates with that person, the meaning of that personal milestone or event, and so on.

We hope that you’ll give journaling a try to add to your wellness journey.